Wednesday 3 February 2016

Hygromanteia Jupiter Angel translations and discussion

The first 6 angels of the day of Jupiter.

1. Healer of God.

2. Edge of God.

3. Instrument/tool of God

4. "Untranslatable"

5. Language of God

6. Near/With God. / Memory of God.
Imeel / Mnimeel

Concerning the differences between manuscripts the supposed oldest seems to be the most likely, with some of the latter versions seeming not to be words at all. I hypothesise it may not always be corruption but coding the names. Whatever the case the names seem to travel between Greek and Hebrew. Harleianus itself leaves some hours blank so it may be that not all of the hours had angels or where too corrupt to follow from whatever the scribe was copying it from. In other places it is clear that the scribe has simply put angels in with his own language. This begs the question whether the manuscript was Greek and turned Hebrew or Hebrew and turned Greek. I would imagine it was originally Hebrew and this part at least not of Greek origin.
Because of the variations between names there are some puzzling hour purpose changes too. As I had said before those who have names and hours are Harleianus, Gennadianus and Monacensis as opposed to Atheniensis 1265 and Bernardaceus who have no hours purposes and differ on name translations because of it.
One such puzzling angel is that of the 6th hour of the day of Jupiter. His name is Imeel which seems Jewish and translates roughly as Near/Besides God. The hour is for reconcilling with enemies at noon. (noon because it just happens to be the sixth hour) In an unlikely turn of events for once Gennadianus and Monacensis don't agree with Harleianus and instead, along with Atheniensis 1265 and Bernadaceus give versions of an angel in the Greek language. The angel is Mnimi-el. Mnimi in greek translates as Memory so Memory of God. It is strange that all manuscripts listed have abandoned the idea of Imeel although Ime could have been expanded to Mnimi for some reason. The hour's purpose then is also listed differently from Harleianus's reconciling and instead is given as changing residence. Why they have changed the angels name to Memory of God, and changed the purpose but to something that doesn't match the new name I have no idea. Perhaps this is an error in my translation of Mnimiel?

References: The Magical Treatise of Solomon by Ioannis Marathakis - Golden Hoard Press.

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