Thursday 3 March 2016

The Hygromanteia process

The prayers of the planets are sometimes to be said before the prayers of the angels. One version explains that they should be said for three days before the ceremony. Others tend to insert them, so that you say the prayer of the planet then the prayer of the angels of the planet, then you invoke the planet through it's names. Others the angels prayers are to be said beforehand. It is difficult to ascertain the correct order of conjuration. In the Heptaneron we are dealing with angels of days who are under the angel of the planet. In this respect one assumes that the angels of the planet have superiority over the angels of the days and hours but we have no clearer understanding on planet or planet angels superior standing. The angels of the planets seem to do the things of the planets though so one would assume the planets have command under God. I suspect then that the invocation of the planet prior to the angels is the correct one. Also the prayer to the planet starts with a prayer to God, whereas the angels prayers do not. Generally if we are looking at order with God at top over the planets, again then it would seem that the planets are higher than the angels thereof. Another thing to note is that the planets are not the Roman or Greek gods, neither are their names familiar. Their virtues do not fit the Greek or Roman gods either. In fact their purposes match the astrological essence of the planet, again noted by Marathakis too. We then see that as traditionally it was seen that the angels carried out the good aspects in astrology and the demons carried out the bad aspects in astrology, that we are first calling to the astrological essence of the planet and asking its angels to manifest its good will as they naturally do.